We recently led two Catalyst Communities through our newly trained regional teams in Pelotas and Curitiba. You can find those updates at TakingNewGround.org/blog. It turns out that each of our host churches created a video of their event. I’m sharing them below to give you a different feel for the Catalyst Community experience. Sometimes the pictures in my updates just aren’t enough!
$15,000 Donor Matching Opportunity!
As we head into the year end giving season, I want to make you aware of a special opportunity we have to double the impact of your year end gift to Taking New Ground! A generous financial partner has offered to match up to $15,000 in special year end gifts! That means your year end gift to Taking New Ground, between now and December 31st, can have twice the impact!
Don’t be intimidated by the match, both large and small gifts count toward this match! We need your help to start 2023 strong! Let’s get the match!