45 New Churches in the Philippines!

This December we returned to Bacolod, “The City of Smiles”, in the province of Negros Occidental in the Philippines. We began a work there 12 months ago and returned to lead our second Catalyst Community alongside the regional team we’ve been training there (see picture below). They work with us in several countries around the world and reproduce Catalyst Communities on their own throughout the Philippines. This year we apprenticed our regional team to reproduce Catalyst Community #2: Developing Missional Culture.

The churches we began working with last December reproduced 45 new churches in the last 12 months! It’s hard to fathom, but it’s amazing to see and hear story after story of new churches being started. These churches spent two and half days with us learning, bolstering their faith, and ultimately developing and presenting their strategic plans for multiplying leaders, groups, and churches over the next 5 years.

At the end of the conference we add up their individual church goals to form a community goal (see below). It helps build unity among our church teams as they see how they are playing their part in a broader community goal that will impact their province, their nation, and beyond. This group represented 123 churches, and over the next five years they plan to grow to 478 churches!

We Need Your Help!

When you invest in Taking New Ground you are investing in leaders like these all over the world. We need your help. We can’t do it without you. Help us reach our year end giving goal of $40,000 by investing in us this month, and then come alongside us next year through monthly support. Together, we are changing the world, one country at a time!