Catalyst System

The Catalyst System is much more than training. Many organizations cast influence on people but don’t really get involved with them on the ground. That’s not what we do. We develop a strong relationship with our partners and work to help them build reproducing structures in their countries. Here’s how it works:

  1. Find the right indigenous leader.
  2. Come alongside the leader and help them gather an apostolic (in function not title) army of church planters and leaders.
  3. Launch Catalyst Communities 1, 2, and 3 while planting churches and forming Networks for rapid growth, encouragement and accountability.
  4. Establish an ongoing relational connection with the leaders and provide additional training as needed.
  5. Apprentice our indigenous partners to reproduce our work across their countries and region.

Catalyst Communities

Each Catalyst Community training is a 3-day workshop with a mix of teaching and strategic planning to help facilitate church planting and the formation of networks. Each team leaves with written plans on how to begin reproducing leaders, groups, and churches. We do three of these trainings over the course of 2 years:

  • Catalyst Community Training #1 = Leadership Development
  • Catalyst Community Training #2 = Missional Church Culture
  • Catalyst Community Training #3 = Starting Networks and Movements

The Results

Joe Wilson of New Churches Now began this catalytic approach to forming networks that accelerate the start of new churches in 2010. Since then, we’ve seen the formation of over 1,200 new churches around the world! We have networks of churches at various stages of development in over 40 countries.


Taking New Ground works in partnership with New Churches Now, New Thing, and other like-minded organizations. Though we have different legal entities, we work together as one team in the field.