4 Years of Taking New Ground!
March 1st, 2022 marks my four-year anniversary as a full-time employee of Taking New Ground. It’s hard to believe it’s been 4 years, but what an adventure it’s been. We began this journey with a strong sense of calling and a prayer for God’s provision. As a result, we’ve been able to be a part of some amazing things that God is doing around the world, and I love that we get to do this with you, our partners in ministry!

The result of our combined faithfulness…a growing ministry of multiplication, thousands of new churches in 20+ countries around the world, thousands of pastors plugged into networks of encouragement and accountability, regional teams trained to reproduce the Catalyst System, and thousands of new brothers and sisters in the faith!

A Busy Start To 2022!
Here’s what we are up to in the first 5 months of 2022:
- Cuba: In January, as soon as Cuba opened up, we were there.
- Pakistan: Later this week we head back to Pakistan to train a group of over 400 leaders from around the nation. While there we will continue equipping our Pakistani regional catalyst team to reproduce the Catalyst System on their own.
- Southern Brazil: Soon after we return from Pakistan we head back to Southern Brazil where we will lead two different Catalyst Community training events and work to develop the regional catalyst team there.
- Nepal: In April we move into Nepal to lead our first gathering there. We’ve been working toward this goal for well over a year.
- El Salvador: We are currently planning work in two different cities in El Salvador in late May or early June.
2022 is off to a busy start, and we have several plans taking shape for the second half of the year!

Thank You For Your Partnership
From the beginning we knew this was a journey we could not make alone. We needed a team. We needed partners. We needed you! I believe that’s the way God designs it. We all have a part to play. I may go, but I don’t go alone. I have the prayers and financial support of a team that makes this ministry happen, and without us all working together, it wouldn’t. The fruit of this ministry is yours.

An Open Invitation |
Many of you have have been praying for us and encouraging us, but have not yet been able to partner with us financially. I can think of no better time to step out in faith than in the midst of crisis and uncertainty. I believe it is one of the ways God grows us. I also believe our faith activates the power of God in our lives. So, join us today as a monthly partner. It’s OK to start small. God will honor the steps you take, and you can grow your commitment as you are able. We need you! Partner with us!