Exciting News on Progress in India!

Exciting News on Progress in India!

Taking New Ground has been working in India for two years. We’ve been training a team there to reproduce our ministry model all over the region. I’m writing today to share some exciting news about progress being made there, but first, a few statistics:

  • Each red dot on the map above represents an area that is less than 2% Christian.
  • India ranks number 1 on the list of countries with the highest number of unreached people groups (picture bottom left).
  • 48 of the 100 most unreached people groups in the world are located in India (picture bottom right).

Albert’s Story: A Passion for Multiplication

I first met Albert in Delhi a couple years back. He attended our Catalyst Community gathering there. Since then, we’ve been training Albert to reproduce what we do throughout India and beyond. Here’s an update in his own words on progress made in the last 6 months:

Dear Friends Greetings in Jesus, I thank the lord For He is doing in and Through New thing Catalyst Community here in South India. I take immense pleasure in sharing some of the updates that is taking place here in South India through New thing Catalyst Community.

I started having new thing Catalyst Community gatherings in different places in south India and few countries in South East Asian Countries. As I already have mission Friends in different places in India and surrounding Countries, they help me organize Catalyst Community Gatherings. It is the Relationship with like minded friends that helps me to facilitate the CC gatherings and follow up with the leaders.

I speak Five Indian languages which is also another factor I think that helps me to connect people. I am looking after four states (Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Maharashtra) in India and did few trainings in Singapore and Malaysia. God is working very mightily in these states and countries. We activate faith and create communities churches and leaders that Dream big and lead the movements. We also have outreach programs during Catalyst Community gatherings and evangelize the people, who live in that particular area.

In just last six months since December we have seen 78 networks (around 2000 churches) formed in south India, 154 new churches have been formed, and I have developed 4 Movements leaders for 4 states. This has happened in last 6 Months. We are seeing fruits through our CC1 & CC2 gatherings and trainings. 1,096 baptisms have been taken. I have also baptized few people who are secret Christians.

We provide practical tools with essential skills to multiply and reproduce churches and leaders. We are also seeing fruits from previous gatherings as well. We are in touch with all the networks during this locked period and coach the leaders.

Many Lives and ministry of Pastors have transformed through our new thing CC1, 2 gatherings. A Pastor named Prabakaran came to our CC1 gathering that took place in Feb 2019, he came so discouraged in the ministry and was planning to quit ministry and trying to do some and live, he was touched by dream big topic, and by our theme bible verse Ephe3:20. He wept, prayed and rededicated his life there in the cc1 gathering, became a new minister, gone back to his town started groups, trained reproducing leaders ,and started one network, and started living by faith, in six months he got 126 new people and trained 18 leaders. He called me thanked me, coached him on his place by visiting several times.

I am focusing on 5 states in India, and Two south East Asian Countries (Malaysia and Singapore), among 8 language speaking People, we are also focusing on different people groups in our region. Primitive Tribal groups, Gypsys, and among people that beg on the streets in disguise of Hindu Gods.

We are so thankful to all the new thing leaders and team for all their support and prayers. I and my Team wants your prayers always. We want to see India and the Surrounding countries reached with Gospel. Thank you.

Pastor Albert