87 New Churches!
I recently returned from working with leaders from a restricted access nation nearby Thailand. I am always encouraged and challenged after spending a week with these leaders. Persecution is a regular and expected aspect of their faith. They face great trials and hardships, yet they push on toward the goal of leading their countrymen to faith and multiplying the church. Over 80% of these leaders are uneducated, rural farmers, but the Spirit of God is strong in them. In the past 12 months these leaders started 87 new house churches!

Imagine Being Encouraged By Persecution!
“Then they will hand you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations on account of My name.” ~ Jesus (Matthew 24:9)
When we look to scripture we are told that we should expect persecution. In fact, in light of all the Bible says about it, we should wonder what is wrong if we aren’t facing persecution. This was the perspective of one of the leaders I met. He explained, “Experiencing persecution encourages me because it validates my faith. Jesus said that I would experience persecution, and I am, He spoke truth.”
The Witness of Persecution
You might think that an outsider looking on as the church faced persecution would be turned off from affiliating with that group. Why would people pursue a faith that causes them so much trouble…unless it was true? And if it was true, it would change everything! Those in the church here face regular persecution.
- Government officials tell people that they cannot believe in Christ, and new believers are often followed and monitored.
- I met a man who’s house was set on fire when he became a believer. If his wife had not been awake when it happened, they would be dead. He now pastors a church.
- Some believers have had their crops burned and many in the room with us had spent time in prison for their faith.
- Believers have been told to renounce their faith or lose their land, and land is the only way a farmer can provide for his family. To make this worse, the government can also ban Christians from relocating to new land.
In spite of all this, or maybe because of the truth it testifies to, the Church in this nation is growing and multiplying! Pray for them as they work to reach their nation for Christ.Join us as we help leaders like these all around the world start movements of reproducing churches!