September 2021 Update

Heading Back to Pakistan

Heading Back toOne week from today we will be back in Pakistan! We made our first trip there in January of 2020 and were able to work with 400 church leaders from around the nation. Our return trip has been repeatedly delayed, but we are now set to lead two additional Catalyst Community #1 (developing leaders) events. We are planning to return again at the start of next year to lead Catalyst Community #2 (missional culture).

Over the last year we have continued to meet with and coach a Pakistani leadership team on how to form networks that accelerate church planting through collaboration. During next week’s visit we will be training that team to reproduce Catalyst Community #1. Our goal is to prepare them to be able to lead Catalyst Community #1 on their own, without us. Everything we do is focussed on multiplication, and developing regional teams that can reproduce the Catalyst System is one of the ways we reproduce ourselves.

CC1 in Katmandu, Nepal

This week we will be gathering with a group of pastors from across Nepal via Zoom to cast vision for what they can expect when we come to Katmandu to lead Catalyst Community #1. When? Good question. We’ve been planning this with our friend Sher in Nepal for quite some time now, and it appears things are beginning to open up a bit in terms of Covid related travel and gathering restrictions. Pray for our friends in Nepal. Pray that we can get this trip scheduled!

CC1 in Berlin, Germany

We first met Timo from Berlin in 2019. We loved his heart for seeing a movement of new churches started in Berlin that would spread across Germany. I invited Timo to join me in February last year when I lead a Catalyst Community in Ambilly, France. He loved the experience and felt it could be a catalyst for movement in Berlin. The pandemic delayed our plans, but I’m excited to share that Timo will be hosting a Catalyst Community in Berlin in January, 2022! This Catalyst Community will be led by the regional team we’ve trained in Western Europe. Pray for Timo and the movement in Berlin!

Brazil, Republic of Georgia, and Serbia

With travel opening back up this year our Global Catalyst Team has been able to lead Catalyst Community events in Brazil, Republic of Georgia, and Serbia. Our core team is fully trained and we are often able to head in different directions to accomplish more ministry in less time.

Cuba later this year?

Colin began working in Cuba a couple of years back, and we are hoping to return in November. There has been some turmoil in Cuba lately, so pray these doors remain open.

We need your help!

Your financial support of Taking New Ground makes ministry impact like this possible. Partner with us as we catalyze movements of reproducing churches around the world.