Accelerating Growth Through Multiplication
If you have followed us for a while you know that a major part of our ministry model is training up teams in different countries around the world that can reproduce the Catalyst System. We spend time training these teams while we’re in country, and we continue to meet with them via Zoom to equip them as they prepare to start new networks or lead catalytic gatherings of their own. I wanted to share 3 stories with you from the past month that highlight this aspect of our ministry.
????’s Story: Leading Catalyst Community in ?????
???? is one of the primary leaders we’ve been working with in ????? for the past several years. We spent time with him in ??? when we were there in March. We’ve seen incredible results since we began working in ?????. Over 300 new churches have been started!

In early July, ???? led a Catalyst Community in ??. This is a city that we have never personally been to, but through the team we’ve developed there, Catalyst Community is expanding it’s influence! ???? was thrilled how well things went. The pictures above were from the event.
Diwas: Following Up and Expanding in Nepal
In May we brought Diwas, who was part of the team we trained in India about 5 years ago, to help lead our Catalyst Community in Nepal. While there, we resourced Diwas and his team to return throughout the next 12 months to do follow up training in several locations around the country.

Diwas and his team have already made multiple return trips to Nepal and they have expanded the reach we developed there the last two years. The leaders we trained have been inviting additional leaders to attend the regional follow up trainings that Diwas and our Indian team are leading!
Klaiton’s Story: New Beginning’s in Uruguay
Klaiton is one of the leaders we’ve been working with in Southern Brazil for the past 3 years. Part of his “Big Dream” (i.e. Strategic Plan) was to start new churches in Uruguay. Klaiton recently visited leaders in 5 cities across Uruguay where he cast vision for multiplication and shared some of the training he learned from Catalyst Community.

Our Fruit Grows on Other People’s Tree’s
Funding our own work abroad is one channel of ministry, but beginning this year we’ve had the opportunity to start funding the work of some of the indigenous teams we’ve been building around the world. It’s a new growth stream with wide open potential, but we need the financial resources to make it happen.

We often say that “our fruit grows on other peoples trees”. Its not about who gets the credit, its about doing everything we can do to grow God’s Kingdom around the world! For that, we need your help.