“I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” ~Jesus (John 4:35)
Every where we go we find the Church of Jesus looking forward with anticipation to what God might do among their people. It’s our job to come alongside them and help! It’s what we’re called to do as believers, as followers of Christ, and as those responsible to fulfill the Great Commission…you and me, together!

Now Is The Time To Partner With Us
We are so grateful for the partners who have made another incredible year of ministry possible. Many of you have gone above and beyond in your support of this ministry as the year comes to an end. THANK YOU!
For those of you who have been following our story and praying for this ministry, but have not partnered with us financially, now is the time. We need your help! Please consider giving toward our year end goal and partnering with us monthly in 2020.
New doors continue to open as we move into 2020, and our opportunities for impact grow each year. Through your partnership, we can continue to help indigenous leaders around the world start movements of reproducing churches in their nations!