Two Great Stories From The Dominican Republic

Kerlyn’s Story (reaching the rejected)

Our team met Kerlyn last year during our Catalyst Community conference. Kerlyn lives in a community where 9 out of 10 people work in the cigar industry. To most Dominican churches tobacco industry workers are “sinners” who must change their ways before they are welcome in church, but not to Kerlyn, and not to Jesus. Kerlyn has baptized 13 people in the past year!

Some of the “church people” in his area actually show up at the homes where he’s leading small groups to protest what he is doing. He’s taking new ground for the kingdom of God, but he’s running into opposition from people who call themselves Christians. Good news…Kerlyn will soon begin meeting with his two small groups in some new rental space. We can’t wait to hear what happens next in the life of his church! Who knows, maybe Kerlyn is pioneering a model that can be duplicated to reach people in the Dominican Rum industry as well!

Ricardo’s Story (shifting paradigms)

After the conference a man named Ricardo came to us with tears in his eyes. He passionately shared, “I have been a pastor for 29 years. Because of the time I’ve spent in this conference, I have a clearer vision of what God can do through my ministry now than I have ever had in my time as a pastor. I believe God will do more through me over the next 5 years than He has in the last 29. Thank you for thinking of our country.” Ricardo was doing all he knew to do, but our Catalyst Community opened his eyes to a new way of doing things and his ministry will never be the same!

Why the Dominican Republic?

Kerlyn and Ricardo are two great answers to that question, but they are just two stories among many. By most measures the Dominican Republic is anywhere from 7-9% Evangelical Christian. This is higher than most of the countries we work in, however, most experts agree that 90-95% of that 7-9% is too steeped in religious tradition to make a difference in their nation. Kerlyn’s story is an example of that.

How Do We Make A Difference?

Taking New Ground works with New Churches Now as part of the New Thing Global Catalyst team…confusing, I know. This team works to catalyze a movement of reproducing churches in hard to reach parts of the world.

How do we do it?

  1. We identify, come alongside, and train leaders in hard to reach parts of the world.
  2. We start new churches with indigenous leaders who disciple and train other local leaders.
  3. We link these pastors together into regional networks for encouragement, accountability, training and cooperation.

We build into leaders the DNA and skills they need to reproduce themselves in others and to create a missional culture among their people. This combination naturally fuels the start of new churches!

We teach and inspire, but we also spend time facilitating discussion and helping teams build strategic plans. They leave our conference with an action plan for the future and the tools they need to execute on it! We had 20 teams representing 40 churches in attendance. At the end of the conference we added up their 5 year plans (see photo below). They are trusting God to do some big things in the Dominican over the next 5 years!

What Can You Do To Help?

I begin working full time with Taking New Ground on March 1st. Here are 3 ways you can come alongside us as we work to catalyze movements of reproducing churches in hard to reach parts of the world.

1) PRAY:
  • Pray for my family. On day 1 of my Dominican trip Kara had to take Maddie to the Emergency Room for an accident requiring 9 stitches.
  • Pray for funding. We are raising 100% of our financial support. We are trusting God in a huge way as we follow this call. Maybe He is calling you to help through funding?
  • Pray for the continued favor of God. Over the years this team has helped plant over 400 churches in about 17 countries. God has used this team in astounding ways, pray He continues to do so!

2) GIVE: Join our team and be a part of what God is doing as a monthly financial supporter.

3) NETWORK: Do you know other mission minded individuals or organizations who might pray or give? Help us make connections, but don’t rule out the role you might be able to play yourself!