Our partners at NewThing recently captured some great video updates from several of our Movement leaders from around the world. These video’s will help you understand how to pray more specifically for those leading ministry through the pandemic. You’ll also notice a common message of hope and optimism from several of them. So check them out, pray for our leaders around the world, and be sure to click “subscribe” on our youtube channel.
Altin Kita leads a movement of reproducing churches in Albania. His influence stretches across the broader Balkan region. I’ve worked with Altin in Albania, Macedonia, and The Republic of Georgia. He’s an incredibly enjoyable person to spend time with.
Emma Jeffrey is a church planter who also works as the NewThing regional director for Western Europe. Emma is also apprenticing to lead Catalyst Communities. Emma joined me in France earlier this year as part of the team that led leading Catalyst Communities in Ambilly and Marseille.
Max Beloso is a Movement leader in the Philippines. He leads one of the regional teams we have trained to reproduce Catalyst Communities on their own. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Max in the Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodia. Max is one of the most passionate leaders I know.
This is Josh Howard. Josh and his father-in-law lead a large ministry in India. We trained a group of Josh’s leaders to help reproduce Catalyst Communities on their own throughout the broader South Asia region.
This is Wayne Hester. He’s actually a missionary from Texas living in Cambodia. We began working with Wayne in 2019 and will be expanding to two Cambodian locations in 2020.
Luc Favre leads a movement of reproducing churches in Ambilly, France near Geneva. We began working with Luc earlier this year. He’s an incredible host and a visionary leader.
This is Alexander Vuletic (Sasha). Sasha leads a movement of reproducing churches in Macedonia. Sasha is one of the funniest guys I know. Everything reminds him of a great joke!
This is just a sample of the incredible leaders that Taking New Ground works with around the world. Your prayers and financial partnership are helping make incredible ministry happen. Thank you!