Pastor Martin and his son-in-law Pastor Pablo were invited to Catalyst Community #2 in Port Alegre Brazil in March, 2022. It was an impactful experience for them, and they realized it could be the tool they needed to re-energize church planting in their home town of Pelotas, so they asked if it was possible for us to lead a Catalyst Community there.

We often get requests from those who attend Catalyst Community to lead the gathering in their home towns, but we can’t be everywhere. So what do we do? We train regional teams that can reproduce the Catalyst System without is, and we give it away for free. Taking New Ground is a ministry of multiplication, and we multiply our ministry model into regional teams all around the world.
Southern Brazil Regional Catalyst Teams
We are actually training two teams in Southern Brazil to reproduce the Catalyst System. Pastor Mattheus and Pastor Timo have been with us from day 1 in the Southern Cone. Mattheus hosted CC1 and CC2 at his home church in Porto Alegre. He also leads the Converge Brazil network that we are helping to build. Timo has been our translator. They are both passionate about what the Catalyst System does to inspire, equip, and energize church planting movements.

We’ve been training Mattheus and Timo throughout the year to prepare them to lead this gathering in Pelotas. Colin and I provided guidance and coaching along the way, but Timo and Mattheus led the entire event, and they did an incredible job! Moving forward they have committed to lead two more Catalyst Communities without our assistance over the next 12 months.

Tarik’s Story: A Collaborative Church Plant
We led our first Brazilian Catalyst Community in Porto Alegre in June, 2021. At that time Mattheus developed a two year plan for multiplying leaders, groups, and churches. His plan included starting two new churches in two years time. He would fund and resource the first church on his own, and he would find others to collaborate with for the second church plant. Here is his original Dream Pathway:

In the picture above you see Filipe, Tarik, and Mattheus. Felipe is planting the church from Mattheus church. I told Felipe’s story in an earlier email, you can find it here. Tarik is planting a church with the help of Mattheus and some of the other churches in the newly formed network.
Tarik started his new church plant in Novo Hamburgo, Brazil earlier this year. He worked hard to meet people in the community, building relationships through coffees and hosting barbecues. Those relationships led to gospel conversations, and before he knew it, he was meeting with a small group of believers in his mother’s garage.

Soon after, Tarik was ordained by Mattheus’ church, and through the financial assistance of another church in the network he was able to secure rental space. Tarik’s growing church is primarily composed of young families, and they are now running two small groups!
Alone, Tarik would not have been able to plant so soon, but with the help of several other churches collaborating together it became possible! When churches are willing to work together, they can accomplish so much more! It’s about God’s Kingdom, not my castle.
Nicolas’ Story: Targeting New Communities
Milton attended our Catalyst Community #2 in Port Alegre. Nicolas was a leader in Milton’s church. Together, they began dreaming of nearby cities that needed churches, and they identified the city of Mostardas, about 40 minutes outside of Pelotas.

Nicolas moved into that community about a year ago and began working to build relationships with people wherever he could, playing soccer, talking to the barber…he left no stone unturned. 5 months ago Nicolas started a small group that will be the foundation for his new church plant. Pastor Milton is leaving a legacy by helping young men like Nicolas start new churches in new communities that need the gospel!
Pablos Question: What Do You Expect From Me?
At the end of the conference Pablo, our host, called the team over to share something with us. He looked at us with sincerity and gratefulness and candidly explained:
When we began talking about the possibility of doing Catalyst Community here in Pelotas, I had an inner question in my mind: What do these guys want from me? What are their expectations that I should deliver them?
For a couple of meetings that we had online that was my worry, until one day we were able to talk outside of the group, and I understood that is wasn’t about what I should give to you, but what I should become, and that changed my heart. That encouraged me a lot. Because from the other side of the Atlantic you guys were praying and caring for us.
Pastor Pablo

We Need Your Help This Year!
2022 has been both productive and expensive. As we look toward the end of 2022 and ahead to the start of 2023, budget becomes a pressing issue for us. We have several projects lined up for the first 3-4 months of 2023 (Nepal, Pakistan, Argentina, and Brazil). In order to cover these projects we need a strong year end giving season. Thank you for your prayers and your partnership!